Hey, it's Prince Donnell, founder of Jack Life Insurance. Follow me on Instagram by CLICKING HERE. We've helped over 10,000 Families find coverage in 2022 & we look forward to doing the same for you. Follow these steps below so you have a fast & quality experience doing business with us:

1. Phone Call: If you're like me, I know you HATE random phone calls from phone number you do not recognize and I don't blame you. But, we need to call you so that we can populate the free quote. We will be calling from a number you don't know. When you answer, here's what the agent will say: "Hey (client name), this is (agent name) calling on behalf of Jack Life Insurance and Prince Donnell. How are you today?" Easy enough. And if you don't answer, our agents will follow up with a text message. If you're unavailable, simply send a text back with the time you are available and we will respectfully honor that request. We cannot deliver a quote or life insurance
if you don't answer the phone and ignore our texts. All we ask is that you communicate.

2. Important Person: While you wait for the call, I want you to think about the important person you are leaving this policy for so we can add them into this quote for you. It could be a child, grandchild, niece or nephew, sibling or etc.. Remember, you're doing this for that important person and life IS NOT promised. It's why we encourage you to take action immediately.

3. Use This If You Forget: Hey, I know we forget things. Half the time, I don't know what I ate for dinner last night haha. So you may forget that you filled this Life Insurance Quote Form out between now and when we finally call. No worries, here's a picture above you can't forget and the agent will send a text message with this photo to jog your memory.

4. DO NOT be Afraid: I know this is a huge decision and you may be a bit fearful or hesitant to actually take action on getting a quote and/or buying Life Insurance. Trust me, I've been there. But remember, you're doing this for that important person. They need you to overcome your fear, doubts and uncertainty around how Life Insurance works.

Thank You for reading all of the steps. My team of agents are licensed across the country with over 100 years of combined experience to get you the best price and quality coverage. On top of that, you will be educated on how Life Insurance works so you can walk away feeling empowered. This will be the very best call you've had this year. I can promise that. We look forward to assisting you at Jack Life Insurance.
Prince Donnell.